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Northwind Seminary Bible Study

Public·9 members

Revelation Lesson 2

This lecture is a continuation of the Methods of Interpreting Revelation.


Revelation Study - Lesson 1

We will be offering a choice of 2 studies in the group. This is the 2nd one: A study of the book of Revelation. These lessons are lectures delivered in a Johannine Lit course at Bacone College. This should generate some lively discussion! Pleaase feel free to comment and discuss.


Outline and Schedule for the Study of John's Gospel

This is the schedule and outline for the first study topic we will include here. Please review it and give your input. The outline follows the work of C. H. Dodd in his classic work, The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel. The title of the series comes from the expository work of Richard Bauckham's Gospel of Glory: Major Themes in Johannine Theology. I have called the Series, "The Gospel of Glory" as the word for glory (doxa) or glorify (doxizo) appear nearly 80 times in the Gospel. I welcome your input on the outline and the title.


Lesson One of "Gospel of Glory, A Study of John's Gospel Part I "The Prologue" Please post your comments below

Monique Stam
06 janv.

Our glorious Savior and God! People say theology is dry or hard. Instead it induces worship and joy! Sure there are elements that can be tough at times- but glory to His name. I am partial to this portion as it was the first portion the Holy Spirit enlivened yo my heart as a 10 year old convert.


Allow me to warmly welcome you to Northwind Bible Study. I a...


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