Northwind Theological Seminary

Northwind Seminary Bible Study
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Allow me to warmly welcome you to Northwind Bible Study. I am Dr. Leroy Thompson, Dean of Student Learning and Professor of Pastoral Ministries. I will be your discussion leader.
This is not your typical Sunday morning Sunday school lesson. These are serious exegetical studies of biblical passages and topics. Some were presented at Boulevard Christian Church in Muskogee, OK, where I teach and worship. Others are actual college lectures from the Christian Ministry Degree program at Bacone College.
At Northwind Bible Study, we value your participation. You can engage in two ways:
You will find a discussion board after each lecture. Your comments, reflections, and study notes are not just welcome, they are integral to our learning process. Please share your perspective, as all views are valued and contribute to our collective understanding. We are learning together, and your input is crucial.
You can participate in a weekly online Zoom session in which we will discuss the topics live.
Please remember that we are an ecumenical learning center. We may disagree or have differing views, but it's this diversity that enriches our discussions.
All views will be respected, and no one will be forced to embrace a particular perspective. We are a community that values and includes all voices. We hope this will generate lively discussions that will not only benefit all but also make our learning experience more engaging and exciting. Your active participation is key to achieving this goal.
We trust that participation in this group will get some brewing going in your brains and lead to stronger teaching/leading in your ministry.
Welcome to the Northwind Seminary Bible Study group!
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January 2, 2025
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