Introduction to Graduate Studies
Introduction to Graduate Studies
Students at Northwind do a significant amount of writing. The curriculum is built around a process of read, reflect, respond. Consequently, writing will be a constant companion in the learning process. Some may find that discouraging, frustrating, or intimidating. That is why this course exists.
Introduction to Graduate Studies is designed to introduce the student to the world of academic writing and to bridge the gap between previous writing experiences and the requirements for the courses at Northwind. Students will be introduced to the practice of writing in the Turabian/Chicago style. Following this introduction, students will gain experience using the Digital Theological Library through the Northwind website. With that new skill, students will gain experience writing a “Book Reflection Paper” and an “Application Paper,” two of the most common assignments in Northwind courses. Students will meet with the Director of Student Support Services for a mentoring session after writing each paper as part of the learning process.