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Open & Relational Theology

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What Is Open and Relational Theology?

“Open and Relational Theology” is an umbrella label under which a variety of theologies and believers reside. This variety shares at least two ideas in common:

  1. God experiences time moment by moment (open)

  2. God, us, and creation relate, so that everyone gives and receives (relational)

Most open and relational thinkers also affirm additional ideas, such as love is our ultimate ethic, creatures are free at least to some extent, all creation matters, life has purpose, genuine transformation is possible, science points to important truths, and more.

Students in this degree are dually enrolled in Kairos University and receive their degree from Kairos.

Dr. Oord's new books are available on Amazon

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Northwind Theological Seminary and The Center for Open and Relational Theology have an Articulation Agreement to offer Certificate and Degree Programs.


  • Certificate programs are offered through Northwind Institute.

  • Degree programs are offered through Northwind Seminary.


The Center for Open and Relational Theology began in 2019. It fosters networks, develops resources, sponsors projects, and promotes events that deepen and broaden open and relational theologies. It appreciates and builds from the important work of previous open and relational thinkers.


“Open and Relational Theology” is an umbrella label under which a variety of theologies and believers reside. This variety shares at least two ideas in common:

  1. God experiences time moment by moment (open)

  2. God, us, and creation relate, so that everyone gives and receives (relational)



Dr. Thomas J Oord is the Director of the Center. He holds a ​Master of Divinity from Nazarene Theological Seminary, a Master of Arts in Religion, and a Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate University.

He serves in various consulting and administrative roles for academic institutions, scholarly projects, and research teams.

Tuition & Fees            Apply         Request Information

Doctor of Theology & Ministry

36 Credits

An certified degree delivered

in an accelerated format.

Course of Study


Year One:

Foundation of Open & Relational Theology

Contextualization of Open & Relational Theology

Readings of Open & Relational Theology I

Year Two:

Readings of Open & Relational Theology II

Readings of Open & Relational Theology III

Dissertation & Defense

Students who graduate will receive a 
CPCA Commission certified degree from NTS.

— Name, Title

Virtual Meeting

Doctor of Theology

42 Credits

An accredited degree delivered

in an accelerated format.

Course of Study

Year One:

Starting Well

Foundation of Open & Relational Theology

Contextualization of Open & Relational Theology

Readings of Open & Relational Theology I

Year Two:

Readings of Open & Relational Theology II

Readings of Open & Relational Theology III

Comprehensive Exams

Dissertation & Defense

Continuing Well

NTS Courses have been mapped onto Kairos University degree requirements. 


Students who graduate will receive an ATS accredited degree from Kairos University. 


Students in this degree apply to NTS and are officially enrolled and admitted to both institutions.

Program Outcomes

With a focus on rich theological reflection on ministry practice, this program will help you develop and deepen your knowledge of theological content, be more fully formed in Christian character, and generate new understandings of the craft of ministry. Through the program, you will develop and demonstrate proficiency in its outcomes: Specialized Inquiry: Literature and History, Specialized Inquiry: Concepts and Models, Specialized Inquiry: Practices and Methods, Integration: Macro Context, Integration: Micro Context, and Generative Learning.


As part of the program, you will be invited to generate for dissemination high-level scholarly research within a specialized theological field of inquiry toward the improvement of ministry praxis. You will work alongside a mentor team crafted around your specialized field of inquiry, and your entire learning experience may be individualized and contextualized as much as possible toward exploring your degree concentration and research focus. 

Customized Learning Experiences

Learning experiences in Kairos are built around an invitation for students to explore some aspect of their vocation, Christian thought and practice, or the human experience. As a Doctoral student, you will be able to engage in individualized and guided learning experiences that encourage deep theological reflection on ministry practice within your context and tradition.

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