Northwind Theological Seminary

Master of Arts
A transformational journey of discipleship focused on helping you develop vocational excellence in your current or desired context – all on your time and from wherever you are.
Gain a deeper understanding of the Christian faith while developing expertise in your chosen area of specialization.
Embarking on this journey, you are taking hold of a unique opportunity to deepen your faith while simultaneously developing the knowledge to flourish in your vocation.
Students enrolled in this degree are dually enrolled in Kairos University and receive their degree from Kairos.
When you apply, a mentor team walks with you throughout the entire program.
Then, we invite you to integrate discipleship, vocational excellence, and proficiency learning.
Online | 48 Credits | Two Years
Ministry|PATH Scholarships reduce tuition to just $100 per credit hour
Program Breakdown
The Master of Arts is 48 credit hours and consists of the following experiences:
Starting Well
Christian Spirituality
Biblical Literacy
Contextual Project
Reflection in Community
Christian Theology
Culture and History
Mentored Life
Continuing Well
Program Outcomes
With a focus on formation, biblical study, vocational discernment, theological reflection, and integrated practice, the Master of Arts invites you to develop and demonstrate proficiency in its nine integrated outcomes: Starting Well, Christian Spirituality, Biblical Literacy, Contextual Project, Reflection in Community I, Christian Theology, Church History, Mentored Life, and Continuing Well.
Customized Learning Experiences
Learning experiences in Kairos are built around an invitation for you to explore some aspect of your vocation, Christian thought and practice, or the human experience. You have the opportunity to progress through these learning experiences in the way that is most helpful to you in your context and vocation. You also have the opportunity to work with faculty members to create entirely new or customized learning experiences that help you develop vocational excellence and expertise.
Contextual Project in a Unique Areas of Focus
As part of your Master of Arts program, you will complete a contextual project in which you integrate your learning, theology, and practice. In some cases, students complete a research-oriented thesis in preparation for future doctoral work while in other cases, students complete a project related to their vocational context after conducting research on that context. You will work with your mentor team to customize or concentrate in any area of ministry. The choice is yours!
Contextual Learning
Throughout the program, you have the opportunity to work with your mentor team to design learning experiences that are entirely shaped by what you are doing (or will do) in your current or desired vocational context. Are you planting a church? Building a youth ministry program? Developing curriculum? Then use that in your program! Are you managing finances? Writing code? Building homes? Developing software? Leading teams? Then use that in your program! If an experience or project is connected to what it means to flourish in your vocation, then use it to make progress in your program!