Northwind Theological Seminary
Faculty Page

Carl Savage, D.Min, Ph.D
Associate Dean for Doctoral Studies
Senior Faculty
Professor of Biblical Studies & Archaeology
In addition to being a retired ordained United Methodist with over 20 years of pastoral experience, Dr. Carl Savage is an American religion scholar and registered professional archaeologist. He was the Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program and an Associate Professor of Biblical Archaeology at the Drew University Theological School.
He has particular interests in biblical studies, biblical archaeology, Christian origins, Second Temple Period Judaism, and narrative research in ministry. A specialist in the first century who studies the origins of Christianity and Judaism, Savage searches for material culture artifacts to back up the hypotheses of scholars who rely on written sources to describe ancient civilizations. You have to have something that can substantiate what you're saying the world was like.
He has written and edited several books, including Narrative Research in Ministry (Wayne E. Oates Institute, 2008) and Biblical Bethsaida (Lexington Books; Reprint edition, 2016), Equipping the Saints: Mobilizing Laity for Ministry (Abingdon 2000), as well as numerous articles on both ministry practice and archaeology.
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